Middle Earth, 20 and Backs, and Hidden Twins with Holly


Unraveling Mind Control and Spiritual Warfare: Holly’s Journey 

 In this explosive episode of Discovering Truth with Dan Duval, Holly shares her extraordinary story. Holly has undergone decades of healing and deliverance, uncovering memories of mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and government projects. 


Her journey reveals experiences with inner healing, false religious structures, and severe abuse within the church. She also details her memories of being part of Nazi experimentation, programming as a super soldier, and the shocking realization of having a living hidden twin. 


The conversation delves into dark realms such as Waterworld, Middle Earth, Saturn, and experiences of time travel and cloning. Holly’s testimony serves as evidence of a greater, often hidden reality, and her story is a testament to the power of Jesus Christ in delivering individuals from deep-seated trauma.


Covered in this episode:


  • Early Signs and Inner Healing
  • Discovering the Real Jesus
  • Programming and Church Experiences
  • Conception and Early Memories
  • Flashbacks and Emotional Responses
  • Super Soldier Programming
  • Waterworld and Middle Earth
  • DNA Connections to JFK and Princess Diana
  • Experiencing the JFK Assassination as a Shadow Person
  • Life in Waterworld and Middle Earth
  • Exploring Antarctica and Its Mysteries
  • Cloning and Consciousness Transfer
  • 20 and Back Programs and Time Travel
  • Pre-Adamic Surgery and Experiments
  • Memories of Saturn and Its Dark Secrets
  • Super Soldier Training and Medical Knowledge
  • Healing Journey and Helping Other Survivors
  • And much more

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