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Spirit Guides, Generational Witchcraft and the Cartel Part 2 with Greg Romero

Greg continues walking us through his spiritual journey and personal struggles!

Greg grew up in an abusive family involved in occult practices and generational witchcraft. He later joined his grandfather in organised crime and occult rituals as a teenager.

Traumatic events like his sister’s death led to a crisis of faith. Greg re-entered the occult but later had a spiritual experience that prompted him to surrender to God.

Greg struggled with mental health issues, addiction, and PTSD for many years as he worked to heal from trauma and deep occult involvement. He received help through deliverance ministry and a cognitive rewiring program. He shares how he continues working on spiritual growth and transformation with God’s help, and hopes that his testimony will empower many others to put their faith in Jesus!

Covered in this episode:

  • The reality of abuse and occult practices. 
  • Family trauma
  • Supernatural encounters with various entities
  • Encounter with a Native American Mummy
  • Near-death experience in hell. 
  • Faith, redemption, and new beginnings. 
  • The Voice of God
  • Faith, marriage, and parenthood amidst personal struggles. 
  • PTSD
  • Deliverance ministry and brain rewiring. 
  • Healing, faith, and surrender to Jesus. 
  • And much more

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