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Human Trafficking, Healthcare and Housing with Carrie and Amy

Human Trafficking, Healthcare and Housing with Carrie and Amy   In this episode, Carrie Schirato and Amy Ogden discuss addressing human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse through medical and community efforts.  Dan Duval highlights the importance of medical professionals having the necessary training to identify and address cases of human trafficking while also educating people on the differences between altars and demonic possession.  […]

Svali on Alice in Wonderland Programming and Mage Training   Trigger warning! The content of today’s podcast will be intense. Svali joins Daniel for another epic interview to talk about mind control, and zero in on how the Jesuits use Alice in Wonderland programming as a control program.    Svali shares personal experiences of being programmed and controlled through these means, while Dan […]

Deliverance, Faith, and Altars with Apostle Marvellous Arunda

Deliverance, Faith, and Altars with Apostle Marvellous Arunda  Dan Duval and Apostle Marvellous Arunda share their personal experiences with witchcraft influences on their bloodline and how they overcame them to find God’s destiny.  They discuss the importance of recognizing and addressing these iniquities to fulfill one’s divine purpose. They also share their experiences in overcoming spiritual strongholds and building God’s kingdom through […]

Pre-Adamic Revelations on the Spirit of Man Part 2

Pre-Adamic Revelations on the Spirit of Man Part 2

In this episode, Dan continues to speak to his developing  perspective on how events in the pre-Adamic realm, such as Lucifer’s fall and wars in heaven, still impact human spirits and lives today. He discusses Bible prophecy, stars, Revelation 12 symbolism, and other biblical concepts across dimensions and ages. Some of the key events examined […]

Sue Ford (Esther) and Dan Duval Part 5 Area 51 and Wormwood

Sue Ford (Esther) and Dan Duval Part 5 Area 51 and Wormwood   Surviving Childhood Torture and Encountering God’s Redemption. This episode features Esther sharing memories from her time in government mind control programs and underground bases. She describes being taken to Area 51 as a child and experimented on.    Esther also discusses “Project Wormwood,” where she was sent to other planets astrally and communicated […]

Sue Ford (Esther) and Dan Duval Part 4 Mengele, Pope, Mind Control (16+)

Sue Ford (Esther) and Dan Duval Part 4 Mengele, Pope, Mind Control (16+) WARNING! GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF ATROCITIES WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS PODCAST! Esther, and the things she will be describing, will not be appropriate for young children.    Join us as Esther continues to share her story of surviving MK Ultra and Project Monarch programs. Dark secrets are revealed about mind control slavery, eugenics experiments, […]

Dan Duval and Lynz Piper-Loomis talk Aliens, Shapeshifting, and the Future of the Church

Dan Duval and Lynz Piper Loomis talk Aliens, Shapeshifting, and the Future of the Church

This episode of Lindsay Piper Loomis’ podcast features guest Dan Duval discussing topics related to aliens, UFOs, and the spiritual realm. Dan shares his nuanced perspective on aliens and argues that the subject is complex rather than simplistic. They discuss personal supernatural experiences and the reality of spiritual attacks. Dan connects biblical scriptures like Genesis […]

Housing for Survivors of SRA and Trafficking with Deb Kluttz

Housing for Survivors of SRA and Trafficking with Deb Kluttz

Deb Kluttz and The Homestead This episode will introduce you to Deb Kluttz who is the founder and Executive Director of a ministry called The Homestead, which provides long-term transitional care for female survivors of sex trafficking. Kluttz felt called to this work after attending a training in 2009 and learning about the lack of […]

Spirit Guides, Generational Witchcraft and the Cartel Part 2 with Greg Romero

Spirit Guides, Generational Witchcraft and the Cartel Part 2 with Greg Romero

Greg continues walking us through his spiritual journey and personal struggles! Greg grew up in an abusive family involved in occult practices and generational witchcraft. He later joined his grandfather in organised crime and occult rituals as a teenager. Traumatic events like his sister’s death led to a crisis of faith. Greg re-entered the occult […]

Spirit Guides, Generational Witchcraft and the Cartel with Greg Romero   Finding Light in Darkness: Greg’s Path to Healing and Transformation Greg join Dan Duval with a testimony about the incredible darkness, trauma and abuse that Greg survived along with his journey toward healing, truth and transformation through accepting Jesus Christ.  Despite growing up in an extremely difficult environment involving ritual abuse, occult practices, […]

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